Announcement of Events: "Fallback or Transformation? Japanese and South Korean Foreign Policies toward Northeast Asia"
The Director of SRC, Prof. Akihiro Iwashita and GCOE member, Naomi Chi, will present their work entitled "Fallback or Transformation* Japanese and South Korean Foreign Policies toward Northeast Asia" at the Brookings Institution in Washington D.C. This event will take place at the board room of the Brookings Institution from 12:00 to 13:30 on March 8th.
Prof. Iwashita and Dr. Chi will be speaking about the recent foreign policy trends of the new governments in Tokyo and Seoul toward Northeast Asia and, second, make a critical review of these policies. Are the foreign policies of the Prime Minister Hatoyama and President Lee a fallback in relations or a transformation from the past? Is the past still haunting relations in this region or are the new administrations taking a leap (of faith) for improved relations in the future? This presentation will consider these questions and attempt to illustrate the political configuration of this region from the perspective of Japan and Korea.