Announcement of GCOE-SRC Special Seminar
We are pleased to announce the GCOE-SRC Special Seminar to take place on Jan. 12, 2011 from 17:00-18:30 at the 4F Conference Room at SRC. We have invited Prof. Peter Gatrell from the Univ. of Manchester (U.K.) to give us a lecture titled, "World Refugee Year 1959-1960 and the history of population displacement."
No prior registration is necessary and everyone is welcome to attend.
Pleaes visit the section "Calendar of Events" for more information and to download Prof. Gatrell's paper. Or please click the following to go directly to the page
No prior registration is necessary and everyone is welcome to attend.
Pleaes visit the section "Calendar of Events" for more information and to download Prof. Gatrell's paper. Or please click the following to go directly to the page