First East Asian Conference for Slavic Eurasian Studies
on February 5, 2009
Location: Room 2
16:15- 18:15 III-2
Integrating the Empire: Religions, the Army and Legal Systems
Tanaka, Yoshihide, Takushoku U
Aoshima, Yoko, Hokkaido U
Jung, Sejin, Hanyang U

Исследование суфизма по историческому аспекту XIX века на Северном Кавказе

Tanaka, Yoshihide, Takushoku U

The Military Elite in the Eighteenth-Century Russian Empire: From a New Perspective of the Military History

Asano, Toyomi, Chukyo U

The Legal System of the Japanese Empire: Its Functions and Implications for Describing Modern Imperial and Regional History
Maeda, Hirotake, Osaka U
