Jan | Feb | March | April |
May | June | July | Aug |
Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
SRC Seminar
Beatrice Penati (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow)
Russian Muslim Emigres within the "Promethean Front": Views from Europe (1919-1939)
Date & Time: January 7 (Thu.) 16:30-18:00
Place: Slavic Research Center, Meeting room (401)
Contact: Tomohiko Uyama (Tel:+81-11-706-3787)
SRC Seminar
Andrew Gentes (University of Queensland, Australia/FVFP Fellow, SRC)
Sakhalin as Cause Celebre: The Re-signification of Tsarist Russia’s Penal Colony
Date & Time: January 20 (Wed.), 2010, 16:30-18:00
Place: Slavic Research Center, Meeting room (401)
Everyone interested in this topic is welcome to attend.
Contact: Norihiro Naganawa (Tel:+81-11-706-3790)
Comparative Analysis of the EU-CIS, Russia-Transcaucasus, and Russia-China Border Areas
Joint Seminar by the Graduate Institute of Russian Studies, Heilongjiang University, and Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
Time: February 3, 2010, 3 p.m.-6 p.m.
Place: Conference Room at the Comprehensive Building (8th Floor), Heilongjiang University, Harbin
Working language:
André Simonyi, Ottawa University, and Jessica Allina-Pisano, Ottawa University
“The Social Life of Borders: Political Economy at the Edge of the EU.”
Kimitaka Matsuzato, Hokkaido University
“The Five Day War and Transnational Politics: A Semiospace Spanning the Borders between Georgia, Russia and Ossetia.”
Zhao Chuanjun, Heilongjiang University
“Creating a Free Trade Zone in the Russia-China Border Region”
This event is supported by the Scientific Research on Innovative Areas,
“Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia” and the Global COE Program,
“Reshaping Japan’s Border Studies,” both financed by the Japan Ministry of Education.
Web site:
Slavic Research Seminar
Why did Dr. Chekhov Ignore his TB?
Michael Finke (Professor and Head, Dept. of Slavic Languages and Literatures,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign / SRC Visiting Professor)
Date & Time: February 17, 17:00-18:30
Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 401 (4th floor)
Contact: Tetsuo Mochizuki (Tel:+81-11-706-3801)
GCOE SRC Special Seminar Robert Greenberg
"The Redrawing of Ethnic and Linguistic Borders in the Balkans"
Data&Time: Thursday, Feb. 18th, 2010 16:30-18:00P.M.
Place: 4F Conference Room, SRC
See this page.
SRC Seminar
Lecturer: Zhanat Kundakbayeva (Professor, Kazakh National University / SRC)
Topic: Политика Российской империи в Северном Прикаспии в XVIII веке: изобретенные традиции и символическая власть
Language: Russian
Data&Time: March 11 (Thu.), 16:00~17:30
Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 401 (4th floor)
Contact: Tomohiko Uyama (Tel:+81-11-706-3787)
SRC Seminar
Lecturer: Mirzokhid Rakhimov (Institute of History, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences)
Topic: Japan and Central Asia: Dynamics of Bilateral and Multilateral Partnership
Language: English
Data&Time: April 20 (Tue.), 10:30~12:00
Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 401 (4th floor)
Contact: Tomohiko Uyama (Tel:+81-11-706-3787)
GCOE-SRC Special Seminar
Data&Time: June 7 (Mon.), 14:45~16:15
Topic: "Cross-border Turkic and Iranian language retention in the West and East Slavic lands and beyond:
A tentative classification"
Lecturer: Paul Wexler (Tel Aviv Univ.)
Language: English
Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 403 (4th floor)
Contact: NOMACHI Motoki (Tel:+81-11-706-3158)
GCOE-SRC Special Seminar
Data&Time: June 7 (Mon.), 16:30~18:00
Topic: Rare Phenomena in Case Marking and Their Implications for a Theory of Typological Distributions
Lecturer: Andrej Malchukov(Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Science /
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)
Language: English
Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 403 (4th floor)
Contact: NOMACHI Motoki (Tel:+81-11-706-3158)
GCOE-SRC Special Seminar
Data&Time: June 17 (Thu.), 16:30~18:00
Topic: "Cross-Border Linguistic Nationalism in the Central and Eastern Balkans "
Lecturer: Jouko Lindstedt (Univ. of Helsinki)
Language: English
Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 403 (4th floor)
Contact: NOMACHI Motoki (Tel:+81-11-706-3158)
GCOE-SRC Special Seminar / co-sponsored by Japan Society of West Slavic Studies
Data&Time: June 19 (Sat.),15:30~16:30
Topic: "Towards Understanding the Balkan Linguistic Area "
Lecturer: Jouko Lindstedt (Univ. of Helsinki)
Language: English
Place: Waseda University ( Waseda Campus, Building 3,2nd floor, Meeting room 1 )
Contact: NOMACHI Motoki (Tel:+81-11-706-3158)
GCOE・SRC/ Dept. of Contemporary Literary Studies (U. of Tokyo) Special Seminar
Lecturer: Ljudmila Popović (Professor, Univ. of Belgrade / SRC)
Topic: Когнитивный подход к изучению способов глагольного действия в русском и других славянских языках
Data&Time: June 25 (Fri.), 16:50~18:30
Language: Russian
Place: Tokyo University
Contact: NORIMATSU Kyohei( Tel. 03-5841-3847 E-mail: slav@l.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
NOMACHI Motoki ( Tel. 090-3962-0839 E-mail: mnomachi@slav.hokudai.ac.jp)
GCOE・SRC/ Dept. of Contemporary Literary Studies (U. of Tokyo) Special Seminar
Lecturer: Ljudmila Popović (Professor, Univ. of Belgrade / SRC)
Topic: Когнитивный подход к изучению способов глагольного действия в русском и
других славянских языках
Data&Time: July 2 (Fri.), 16:50~18:30
SRC 2010 Summer International Symposium
Orient on Orient: Images of Asia in Eurasian Countries
Location: Room 403, Slavic Research Center, Sapporo Website: See this. Contact: Tel.:011-706-2388
E-mail: MOCHIZUKI Testuo
Reigonal Powers Project (Group 4) and SRC Seminar
Alexander Morrison (University of Liverpool / SRC)
Twin imperial disasters: the invasions of Khiva and Afghanistan in the Russian and British official mind, 1839-41
Date & Time: July 10 (Saturday) 10:00~11:45
Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 401 (4th floor)
Contact: Tomohiko Uyama (Tel:+81-11-706-3787)
Regional Powers Project and SRC Seminar
Pami Aalto (University of Tampere, Finland/ SRC)
The Emerging New Energy Agenda and Russia: Implications for Russia’s Main Markets in Europe
Date & Time: July 11 (Sunday), 10:00~12:00
Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 401 (4th floor)
Contact: Shinichiro Tabata (Tel:+81-11-706-3797)
Regional Powers Project and SRC Seminar
Dragana Mitrovic (University of Belgrade/ Doshisha University)
No Big News in the Dragon’s Nest China’s Response to the Challenges of the World Economic Crises
Date & Time: July 11 (Sunday), 13:30~15:00
Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 401 (4th floor)
Contact: Shinichiro Tabata (Tel:+81-11-706-3797)
Regional Powers Project and SRC Seminar
Robert J. McMahon (Ohio State University, USA)
The South Asian Triangle: American, Soviet and Chinese Regional Interventions, 1947-1971
Date & Time: July 20 (Tuesday) 16:30-18:00
Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 401 (4th floor)
Contact: David Wolff (urufu@usa.net)
Special Seminar
Alexander Morrison (University of Liverpool / SRC)
Metropole, colony and imperial citizenship in the Russian Empire
Date & Time: July 22 (Thursday,) 14:45-16:15
Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 401 (4th floor)
Contact: UYAMA Tomohiko
GCOE Seminar “Vojvodina as a Multilingual Society:
Intersecting Borders, Cultures and Identities”
Sponsored by Global COE “Reshaping Japan’s Border Studies”
Co-sponsored by Slavic Research Center
Date & Time: Septenber 27 (Mon.) 10:20-17:30
Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 403 (4th floor)
Contact: NOMACHI Motoki (SRC, E-mail: mnomachi@slav.hokudai.ac.jp)
Opening Remarks
Part I
Title: Ruthenians versus Ukrainians in Serbia and how they are interwoven
Speaker: Ljudmila Popović (Univ.of Belgrade/SRC)
Discussant: Susumu Nagayo (Waseda Univ.)
Language: English
Part II
Title: Internal and External Borders of the Slovak Language: Slovak as a national language and language of diaspora
Speaker: Miroslav Dudok (Univ. of Novi Sad/ Comenius Univ.)
Discussant: Satoshi Hashimoto (Hokkaido Univ.)
Language: Slovak
Interpreter: Dana Hashimoto, Hokkaido Univ.
Part III
Showing of film “Hranica (lit. border)” (Director: Jaroslav Vojtek)
Commentator: Jana Dudkova (Institute of Theatre and Film Research, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
Title:The Border: a Slovak Film and the Problem of Constructing of Collective Identity
Language: English
GCOE-SRC Special Seminar
Data&Time: October 7(Thu.) 16:30-18:00
Topic: Language Borders Within the Speaker - Codeswitching Practices and Bi- and Multi-lingualism in the Balkans
Lecturer: Victor Friedman (Univ. of Chicago)
Language: English
Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 403 (4th floor)
This lecture will focus on Turkish conjugation in Balkan Romani but also examine e.g. Romani and Macedonian, Macedonian and Judezmo, Albanian and Macedonian. It will challenge formalist approaches such as concepts of embedded versus matrix languages, single grammars of multiple languages, or so-called imperfect learning. concepts such as intertwining and
code-compartmentalization will be discussed.
Contact: NOMACHI Motoki(Tel:+81-11-706-3158)
Special Seminar
Co-sponsored by: Global COE “Reshaping Japan’s Border Studies”
Lecturer: Victor Friedman (Univ. of Chicago)
Topic: Borders of Identity - Creating Balkan Selves
This lecture will look at the history of borders of identity in the Balkans, with special reference to approaches to multilingualism (e.g., Pulevski vs Daniil). In this lecture I will also examine some other manifestations of ethnocultural (ethnomusicological) borders and especially border-crossing such as Turbo, Chalga (vs Chalgija), Tallava, Manele, etc., where multilingualism frequently figures as part of musical identity.
Date & Time: October 12(Tue.) 16:30-18:00
Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 401 (4th floor) Everyone interested in this topic is welcome to attend.
Contact: NOMACHI Motoki(SRC E-mail: mnomachi@slav.hokudai.ac.jp)
Special Seminar: Victor Friedman
Co-sponsored by: Tokyo University Date & Time: October 16(Tue.) 13:00-15:00
Place: Tokyo University
Topic: Dialectology and Borders in the Balkans
Language: English
This lecture will examine the deployment (and ignoring) of dialect features in the drawing of national and linguistic borders as well as their use (or lack hereof) in linguistic and ethnonational claims.
The lecture will also discuss the problem of overlapping languages and multilingualism for the nationalist project of dialect atlases (as well as how dialect atlases are both linguistic and ethnonationalist projects).
My concern will be primarily with the South Slavic and Albanian dialect continua, but Romani and Balkan Romance will also be shown to be of relevance.
Contact: NOMACHI Motoki(SRC E-mail: mnomachi@slav.hokudai.ac.jp)
Joint Symposium Organized by Institute for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies,
Seoul National University and Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
The Changeable and the Unchangeable in the Studies of Russian Language and Literature
November 26, 2010
Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Room 403
Program :
13:00-13:10: Opening Remarks
13:10-14:30: Session 1: Literature I:
Chair person: Mochizuki, Tetsuo (SRC)
1. Park, JongSo (Prof. SNU)
"The Controversy of L.Tolstoy and V.Solov'ev (Полемика между Л.Толстым и Вл.Соловьевым)"
2. Cha, Jheewon (Senior Researcher, SNU)
"Valery Brjusov's esthetic position in the context of Symbolist lifecreation (Эстетическая позиция Валерия Брюсова в контексте символистского жизнетворчества )"
Discussant: Malikova, Maria (Institute for Russian Literature, ANR)
14:30-14: 45: Coffee break
14:45-16:05: Session 2: Literature II:
Chair person: Yi, Seonbok (Archeologist, Prof. SNU, IREEES of SNU)
1. Lee, Jiyeon (Senior Researcher, SNU & Prof. of HanYang Univ.)
"Апология абсурда: русская культура 20-го века и поэтика "окна" (An apologia for the absurd: 20-th century Russian culture and the poetics of "window")
2. Choi, Jin Seok (Senior Researcher, SNU)
"Bakhtin studies Today and the Problems of Cultural Dynamics ("Настоящая ситуация бахтиноведения и проблемы динамики культуры)"
Discussant: Koshino, Go (SRC)
16:05-16:20: Coffee break
16:20-17:40 Session 3: Linguistics
Chair person: Nomachi, Motoki (SRC)
1. Song, Eun Ji (Prof. SNU)
"The Casual Connectives in Modern Russian: Synonymy and Polysemy"
2. Dong, Young Eun, (Graduate Student of SNU)
"Semantics and Pragmatics of Russian Dative Case"
Discussant: Eduard Vlasov (Ph.D., Vice-President of the Frontinterrest Co., Ltd, Sapporo)
17: 40-18:00 Final remarks
MOCHIZUKI Tetsuo(E-mail: tetsuo@slav.hokudai.ac.jp)
2nd Global COE Symposium
"Reshaping Japan's Border Studies" "De-Areanization of Border Studies: The 'Greater Eurasia' and its Neighbours"
Location: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University,Sapporo
Website: See this. Contacts: FUJIMORI Shinkichi (SRC) ( E-mail: fujimori@slav.hokudai.ac.jp )
SRC 2010 Winter International Symposium
Regional Routes, Regional Roots? Cross-Border Patterns of Human Mobility in Eurasia
Location: Breezé Plaza, Osaka
Website: See this. Contacts: NAGANAWA Norihiro (SRC) , KOSHINO Go (SRC) ( E-mail: rp@slav.hokudai.ac.jp )
Regional Powers Project and SRC Seminar
Speaker: Abram Reitblat
Title: Как пишется биография? (социальные закономерности отбора и компоновки сведений при создании биографии): на материале биографии Фаддея Булгарина
Date & Time: December 15 (Wed.) 17:00 - 19:00
Place: Slavic Research Center, Room 401 (4th floor)
Everyone interested in this topic is welcome to attend.