Eurasia Unit for Border Research (Japan)

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2018. 09. 25–28

World Social Science Forum 2018 – Kyushu University, 25th – 28th September 2018

The World Social Science Forum (WSSF) takes place once every three years as one of the International Social Science Council’s (ISSC) flagship activities. ISSC is a non-governmental organization established by UNESCO in 1952. The fourth WSSF will be hosted by Kyushu University and will be held in Asia for the first time. The Eurasia Unit for Border Research, Japan (UBRJ) will also participate in WSSF and contribute to the organizing of this forum.


World Social Science Forum 2018 (WSSF 2018)

Date: 25th September – 28th September 2018

Venue: Fukuoka International Congress Center

Official website:


In the fourth WSSF, the participants will look into various dimensions of security, interrogating how the demand for security relates to societies’ quest for equality and sustainability. There will be famous researchers in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities, including Sir Partha Dasgupta (Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics at the Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge). You can see below the abstracts of the members of UBRJ and our collaborators.


Timetable and abstracts of the members of UBRJ and our collaborators


The deadline for the registration is 31st August.


(Written by Keiko Saito)