New entries
- 2011/01/04 : Seasons Greetings!!
- 2010/12/09 : Announcement! Seminar at the East-West Center
- 2010/12/03 : New! Prof. Iwashita's Essay on the Hokkaido Shimbun
- 2010/12/03 : Announcement! Workshop in Tokyo Dec. 6th, 2010
- 2010/12/03 : Annoucement! Change in the schedule for winter symposium
- 2010/11/30 : New! Papers available for download
- 2010/11/18 : New! 2nd GCOE International Winter Symposium Schedule
- 2010/10/25 : New! Tsushima Forum Programme
- 2010/10/22 : Update: Part II of the Third Museum Exhibition
- 2010/09/28 : New! Report #3 on live @ the borders
- 2010/09/15 : New! Professor Akihiro Iwashita's paper available on the Brookings website
- 2010/09/08 : CALL FOR PAPERS! Pre-symposium seminar for young researchers
- 2010/09/07 : New! Sept. 27 GCOE seminar material available on the website
- 2010/08/31 : Announcement: PhD fellowship at Syddansk University, Denmark
- 2010/08/26 : In the media: DVD "Unknown Borders of the Northern Borders" introduced in Hokkaido Shimbun
- 2010/08/23 : New! Application for Visiting Research Fellowship Program
- 2010/08/11 : Update!! First GCOE-SRC summer program ends in success
- 2010/07/20 : New! Young Researchers Workshop on July 30th, 2010
- 2010/07/18 : New! Final Schedule for 2010 GCOE-SRC Summer Program
- 2010/07/08 : New! English pamphlet of the 3rd museum exhibition on the website