New entries
- 2011/12/07 : Reports on the IGU Santiago Conference
- 2011/11/30 : Notes on the Global COE Winter Symposium
- 2011/11/08 : BRIT 2012 Conference homepage up
- 2011/11/01 : Opening of 'China seen from across the border' Media Exhibit
- 2011/10/25 : ¡ÈUnknown Tales of the Southern Borders: the Yaeyama Islands and Taiwan¡É DVD completed
- 2011/10/24 : Project Leader Professor Iwashita attends the 24th Regional Publishers Cultural Achievement Awards on October 22nd
- 2011/10/12 : Special Event ¡ÈJapan¡Çs Borders: Crossroads or Crisis¡É DVD screening and discussion held on October 10th
- 2011/10/03 : Provisional Program for the Winter International Symposium (11/25-27) is up
- 2011/09/12 : BRIT (Border Regions in Transition) Impressions, days 3 & 4
- 2011/09/12 : Information on the International Political Science Association¡Çs 2012 Conference
- 2011/09/09 : BRIT (Border Regions in Transition) Impressions, days 1 & 2
- 2011/09/08 : Conclusion to the joint seminar held with the Oriental Institute, Poland
- 2011/08/24 : New Essays
- 2011/07/19 : New! Publication of GCOE Periodical
- 2011/07/18 : The GCOE-SRC Special Seminar "China's Panda Diplomacy in terms of Borders Studies" (15 July 2011) Report
- 2011/06/28 : Report on the ¡ÈBorders and Landscape Painting – Activities of the Shikotan Island Group 1966-1991¡É seminar
- 2011/06/28 : The SRC¡Çs Cooperation Agreement with Keimyung University (Daegu, South Korea) & The First International Seminar of the Korean Border Studies School
- 2011/06/21 : New! 2nd Documentary DVD on the Border Island of Tsushima in Japan
- 2011/06/13 : Iwamizawa 'Unknown Borders' Seminar a great success!
- 2011/06/13 : 2nd GCOE-SRC summer school application now closed