Annual Newsletter of the Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
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English News  No.4 , December 1996
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New Center Director
Foreign Visiting Fellows
Changes of the Staff
Research Grants
Exchange Programs with Overseas Institutions
Guest Lectures from Abroad
Essays by Foreign Fellows
News from the Library

The Library

It is well-known that State Archival Service of Russia (Rossarkhiv) and Hoover Institute on War, Revolution and Peace are jointly publishing Microfilm collection of documents from 3 major archives in Moscow under the title: Archives of the Soviet Union and Soviet State. We want to report that most of its opis' (the list of documents) are among our new acquisitions this year. We are projecting to collect completely this very principal set of sources on Soviet history.

Besides this, the first installment of "Comintern Archive," published jointly by The Russian Centre for the Conservation and Study of Records of Modern History (RTsKhIDNI) and the IDC, was added to the collection of the SRC Library. This part covers documents from the first Congress (1919) to the fourth (1922).

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