TopGroup 5Activities

Group 5 Society : Activities

Forthcoming Conferences

Past Conferences

Regional Powers Seminar “Beyond the Contours of State”

  • Date & Time: 13:30-17:00, 9th July (Mon.)
  • Place: The Consortium of Universites in Osaka
  • Language: English
  • Contact: Secretary of Group 5Naganawa
  • Program
  • Session 1 Violence, Security, and Nation-Building in the Caucasus (13:30-15:00)
    • Moshe Gammer (Tel Aviv University)
    • “Russian Strategies in the Caucasus”

    • Arsene Saparov (Michigan University)
    • “Abkhazia from SSR to Autonomous Republic 1921-1931: The Contradictions of the Soviet Administrative System and their Role in the Georgian – Abkhaz Conflict”
    Session 2 Russia and Ukraine: Mirror Reflections? (15:15-16:45)
    • Olexy Haran (Kievo Mohyla Academy University)
    • “Ukraine, Russia, and the Failure of Imperial Project”

    • Gulnaz Sharafutdinova (Miami University)
    • “The White as New Orange? The Anatomy of Recent Protests in Russia”

The Regional Powers Studies Workshop
"Mobile Peoples and Diasporas as Imperial Legacies"

  • Date and Time:March 2 (Fri.) 10:00 - 18:00
  • Place: Slavic Research Center, 4th Floor, Room 403 & Room 401
  • Detail: Please see here

Public Lecture "Russian Presence in Modern Palestine"

  • Lecturer: Dr. Elena Astafieva (Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University / École Pratique des Hautes Études, France)
  • Date and Time: Friday 21 October 2011, 17:30-19:30
  • Venue: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA),
  •            Room 304, 3rd Floor,Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
  • Language: Russian, with Japanese interpretation
  • Cosponsored by: Core Project “MEIS2,” ILCAA, & Group 5, Major Regional Powers in Eurasia Project
  • Detail: Please see here

SRC-Regional Powers Studies Seminar (Group 5)

  • Date and Time: October 17 (Mon.) 16:30-18:00
  • Topic: Islamic Practices and Socio-Political Behavior in the North Caucasus: Effects of the Hajj Pilgrimage
  • Lecturer: Sufian Zhemukhov (Visiting scholar of the George Washington University, USA)
  • Language: English
  • Place: Slavic Research Center, 4th Floor, Room 401

Special Seminar "Beyond the Contours of State" (Group 5)

  • Time and Date: 16:30-18:00, Tuesday, January 26, 2010
  • Place:Hokkaido University, Slavic Research Center, Room 401
  • Title: Contours of British India


International Workshop of Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia
Islamic Institutions and Imperial Reach: The Complex Articulation of Ideas, Education and Mobility

  • Collaboration of Group 5 “Beyond the Contours of the State” and Group 4 “The Collapse and Restructuring of Empires and the Transformation of the World System”
  • Date: January 23-24, 2010
  • Venue:Life Science Center, room 701 (1-4-2, Shin-Senri-Higashi-cho, Toyonaka-shi, Osaka)
  • Both Islam and Empire require comparative studies, as both involve regional specifics and global interactions. Especially in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, expansion of colonial empires/imperialisms radically transformed political, societal, and economic infrastructures surrounding local politics in Muslim regions and Muslim networking beyond borders. Today a colonial imprint significantly inflects the development of Islamic revival. While Islam has worked as a cause protesting against imperial rule, Muslims have often made use of Islam as a means of negotiating among the states. How have Muslims modified various Islamic terms and concepts in the course of their interactions with empires? How have they transmitted Islamic knowledge to the next generations and even expanded it to other parts of the Muslim world? How do they reconcile simultaneous belonging to the global Muslim community and “infidel” homelands? When states rely on Muslim travelers to exert their power abroad, does this mean that Muslim agents have contributed to building “imperialisms” on the ground? How has the great powers’ rivalry affected this setting? In the framework of the comparative research project “Regional Powers in Eurasia,” this workshop will tackle these and other questions, enhancing dialogues between international scholars of Islam and Empire.
January 23 Saturday
Opening Remarks
Session 1:Where is Our Homeland?

Chair:Daisuke Furuya (Osaka University, Japan)
Moiduddin Aqeel (International Islamic University, Pakistan)
"The Idea of Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam: Concepts and Conflicts in British India"
Ko Nakata (Doshisha University, Japan)
"The Concept of Khilafah: Spreading the Rule of Law all over the World"
Discussant: So Yamane (Osaka University, Japan)

Session 2:Education Reforms between the Abode of Islam and Homeland

Chair: Kimitaka Matsuzato (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Masumi Matsumoto (Keiwa College, Japan)
"Islamic Awakening in Modern China: Nationalism, Education and Reforms"
Mustafa O. Tuna (Duke University, USA)
"Madrasa Reform as a Secularizing Process: a View from the Russian Empire"
Discussant: Norihiro Naganawa (Hokkaido University, Japan)

January 24 Sunday
Session 3:Expanding Empires and the Limits of Muslim Mobility

Chair: Tomoko Morikawa (Hokkaido University, Japan)
James H. Meyer(Montana State University, USA)
"Moving People and Suspect Subjects: Russian Muslims, Travel, and the Ottoman Empire"
Keiko Sakurai (Waseda University, Japan)
"Making Qom the Center of the Shi'ite World: Reorganization of the Islamic Educational Network after Iran’s Islamic Revolution"
Discussant: Tomohiko Uyama (Hokkaido University, Japan)

Closing Remarks

Special Seminar (Group 2 & 5) "Regional Powers in Eurasia: Resources for Transnational Influence"
