Slavic-Eurasian Research Center 2021 Summer International Symposium


Date: July 5-7, 2021

Venue: On-line at the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, Japan

Language: English
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Bio Collection



 July 5 (Monday)
16:30-18:00(GMT+9) 〈第1セッション〉「中央ユーラシア史における外交と貿易」
Diplomacy and Trade in the History of Central Eurasia
Moderator: Norihiro Naganawa (SRC)
Papers: Ulfat Abdurasulov(Post-Doc Fellow, University of Hamburg, Germany / SRC)
“Allahshukur Bay vs Vorontsov Brothers: On the Local Occurrences and Global Dimensions of the Russian-Khivan Diplomacy in the Eighteenth Century.”
  Mami Hamamoto(Osaka City University)
“The Russian Empire’s Penetration into the Xinjiang Market in the Late 18th and 19th Centuries.”
Commentator: Akifumi Shioya (University of Tsukuba)
(contact: Tomohiko Uyama e-mail: uyama[at][at] read as @)
20:00-22:00(GMT+9) 〈第2セッション〉「ロシア文化におけるヴァーチャル:革命前後を比較する」
Pre- and Post-Revolutionary Virtuality in Russian Culture 
(共催:ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン スラブ東欧研究学院)
Moderator: Seth Graham (UCL, UK)
Papers: Daisuke Adachi (SRC)
“Nature’s Mistake: Gogol’s Writing as Self-Reflection of Photography.”
  Alyssa DeBlasio (Dickinson College, US / SRC)
“An End and a Beginning: The Virtuality of Evgenii Bauer's Aesthetics of Melodrama.”
  Ana Hedberg-Olenina (Arizona State University, US / SRC)
“Between Empathy and Estrangement: Sergei Eisenstein’s Views on Spectators’ Identification and Narrative Immersion.”
Commentators: Rachel Morley (UCL, UK)
Muneaki Hatakeyama (Seigakuin University)
(contact: Daisuke Adachi e-mail: adaisuke[at][at] read as @)
  July 6(Tuesday)
15:00-16:30(GMT+9) 〈第3セッション〉「ロシアにとっての日本と韓国、韓国と日本にとってのロシア」
Mutual Gazes: Russian Views of, and Viewed from, Japan and South Korea
Moderator: Naomi Chi (Hokkaido University)
Papers: Dmitry Streltsov (Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Russia)
“Russian View of Japan and South Korea.”
  Alexander Bukh (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
“Russia in the Construction of National Identities in Japan and South Korea.”
Commentator: David Wolff (SRC)
(contact: Akihiro Iwashita e-mail: iwasi[at][at] read as @)
17:30-19:00(GMT+9) 〈第4セッション〉「ロシアにとっての主権とスペース:国際法学と政治地理学の対話」
Sovereignty and Space: Russia in International Law and Political Geography
Moderator: Edward Boyle (Kyushu University)
Papers: Lauri Mälksoo (University of Tartu, Estonia / SRC)
“Post-Soviet Eurasia, Uti Possidetis and the Clash between Universal and Russian-Led Regional Understandings of International Law.”
  Paul Richardson (University of Birmingham, UK)
“Prisoners of Geography?: Enduring Geopolitical Myths and (Mis)reading Russia.”
Commentator: Yu Koizumi (University of Tokyo)
(contact: Akihiro Iwashita e-mail: iwasi[at][at] read as @)
  July 7(Wednesday)
16:30-18:00(GMT+9) 〈第5セッション〉「ソ連・ポストソ連空間における民族問題の再考」(使用言語:英語・ロシア語)
Reappraisal of Ethnic Issues in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Space
Moderator: Tomohiko Uyama (SRC)
Papers: Alexander Osipov (International Centre for Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity Studies, Czech Republic / SRC)
“The Soviet Nationalities Policy during and after Perestroika: Was It a Failure?”
  Igor Savin (Institute of Oriental Studies, Russia / SRC)
“Основные тенденции межэтнических отношений в современном Казахстане.”
Commentator: Natsuko Oka (Institute of Developing Economies)
(contact: Tomohiko Uyama e-mail: uyama[at][at] read as @)

Organizing Committee:
Daisuke Adachi, Tomohiko Uyama, Takehiko Inoue & Yoichi Isahaya


In cooperation with:
・NIHU Transdisciplinary Project “Area Studies Project for Northeast Asia”
・Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research “Comparative Study of the Rise of Authoritarianism and Populism” (JSPS: 18H03619),
 “A Comprehensive Study on the Melodramatic Imagination in Russian and Former Soviet Culture” (JSPS: 19H01243) and
 “Representations of ‘Territory’ and Social Transformation in Northeast Asia” (JSPS: 20H01460)
・Association for Borderlands Studies (Japan Chapter)