"Quest for Models of Coexistence: |
National and Ethnic Dimensions of Changes in the Slavic Eurasian World" |
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We are going to hold an annual summer symposium from 16 to 18 of July 1997 at the Slavic Research Center, titled "Quest for Models of Coexistence: National and Ethnic Dimensions of Changes in the Slavic Eurasian World".
On this occasion we plan to present and discuss on various aspects of national and ethnic issues in order that several models of coexistence might eventually be attained.
Cessions are to be organized along the following topics:
coexistence of nationalities; politology of coexistence; imperium
models of coexistence; language and nationalities issues; nationalities
questions in Central Asia; region and identity; environment issues.
There will be organized also a special panel on the comparative
analysis of the Slavic and Chinese transfigurations in transition.
Contact : Prof. Koichi Inoue Tel.: 011-706-3158 Fax.: 011-706-4952
Boris P.CHICHLO(CNRS,France) "Коренные народы Сибири и Россия:
Особенности отношений"
Henry STUART(Showa woman's Univ.) "Models of Co-existence: A View from
the Canadian Situation"
Vilmos AGOSTON(Writer,Hungary;SRC) "The Transylvanian Mind: Ambiguity
of Ethnic Identities and Conflict Resolution"
Taro TSUKIMURA(Kobe Univ.) "Politics of Ethnic Coexistence: Internal
Division and External Pressure in Eastern Europe"
Mordechai ALTSHULER(Hebrew Univ.,Israel;SRC)
"Some Soviet and Post-Soviet National and Linguistic Problems in the
Slavic Republics (States): Russia, Ukraine, Belorus "
Alfred F.MAJEWICZ(Adam Mickiewicz Univ./Poznan/;SRC)
"Minority Language Preservation Strategies and Minority-related
Conflict-evasion Policy Suggestions for Eastern Europe and for Siberia"
Volodymyr POTULNYTSKYJ(Inst.of Archeography,Ukraine;SRC) "The
Image of Russia and the Russians in Ukrainian Political Thought
(1860-1945) "
Boris MIRONOV "The Price of Expansion: The Nationality Problem in
Russia of the Eighteenth-Early Twentieth Centuries"
Anver GALIEV(Inst.of Orietal Studies,Kazakhstan;SRC) "Traditional
Institutions in Modern Kazakhstan"
Geoffrey JUKES(Mideast and Central Asian Research Center,Australia)
"Race, Religion, Ethnicity and Economics in Central Asia"
Vadim TURAEV(Inst.of History,Archeology&Ethnography of the
Peoples of the Far East,Vladivostok,Russia)
"Территориальный подход к решению этнических проблем на
российском Дальнем Востоке"
Shiro SASAKI(National Museum of Ethnology)
"Segmentary Hierarchy of Identity: The Case of Yakuts and Evens
in Northern Yakutia"
Masami FUKUDA(Hokkaido Univ.) "Radioactive and Other Hazardous
Contamination in Arctic Siberia"
UNIV.) "Aral Sea Catastrophe: Case for National, Regional and
International Cooperation"