List of Conferences and Seminars 2022
■SRC Seminar:
Date & Time: April 16 (Sat) at 19:00 (Japan Standard Time), 12:00 (CEST), 10:00 (UTC)
Speaker:Prof. Evgeny Dobrenko (Universita Ca' Foscari di Venezia)
Title:"Агония российской автократии: Сталинизм - Путинизм - Сталинизм"
Venue:Zoom meeting
Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
Japanese Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi) (B): A Comprehensive Study on the Melodramatic Imagination in Russian and Former Soviet CultureContact:adaisuke[at] ([at] read as @)
■ OSW-SRC Special Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time:April 20 (Wed.), 2022, 16:30-18:00(JST)
Title:War in Ukraine and beyond: Polish and Japanese Perspectives and Recommendations
Opening Remarks:Pawel Milewski (Ambassador to Japan, Polish Embassy)
Adam Eberhardt (Director, Center for Eastern Studies, Poland)
Akihiro Iwashita (Professor, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
Wojciech Konończuk (Deputy Director, Center for Eastern Studies (OSW), Poland)
Shinichiro Tabata (Professor, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)Venue:Online Webinar (Pre-registration required)
Organized by:Centre for Eastern Studies(OSW) & Slavic-Eurasian Researh Center (SRC), Hokkaido University
In partnership with:Embassy of Poland in Tpkyo, Japan
Contact:Akihiro Iwashita <join_us[at] > ([at] read as @)
■Research Seminar with Professor M. Khodarkovsky ◆◇◆
Date & Time:May 20 (Fri), 2022, 16:00-18:00
Speaker:Professor M. Khodarkovsky (Loyola University Chicago / SRC)
Title:Empires of the Steppe: Eurasian Empires in Comparative Perspective, 1500-1900
Venue:Hybrid style (Room 303 of ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies + Online via zoom), Pre-registration is required
* Please make an entry in the following form for the pre-registration in either case you wish to participate in the seminar on-site or online.
**Applications to on-site participation will be accepted in order of receipt. The applications will close even before the deadline when the prescribed number of applicants is reached (on the other hand, applications to online participation will be accepted until the deadline).
*** Pre-registration deadline :
-On-site: at 12:00 a.m. on May 13, 2022
-Online: at 12:00 a.m. on May 20, 2022
Pre-registration form:
- Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)
“Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” (Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA); 20H05823)
“Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA); 20H05825)
“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA); 20H05827)
- Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido UniversityContact
Jin NODA (ILCAA) nodajin[at] ([at] read as @)
■International Workshop "Comparative Imperial History: Eurasian and American Perspectives"
Date & Time: June 6 (Mon), 2022, 14:30–18:00 (GMT+9)
Format: Hybrid (in-person in Room 403, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University, and online via Zoom)
"American Empire in Global History"
Antony G. Hopkins (University of Cambridge)
"Where Russia Was 'Ahead' of Europe: Russia's State Colonialism in Comparative Perspective"
Michael Khodarkovsky (Loyola University Chicago)
"How Imperial Powers Addressed Foreign Spiritual Authorities: The Case of the Russian Empire and the 'Tibetan Buddhist World'"
Takehiko Inoue (SRC)
"Topographic Factors in Empire/State-Building in Modern Tian Shan: A Preliminary Analysis"
Tetsu Akiyama (Hokkaido University of Education)
Shigeru Akita (Osaka University)
Norihiro Naganawa (SRC)
Chair: Tomohiko Uyama (SRC)
Pre-registration is required for both on-site and online participation:
Registration deadline: June 4 (Sat), 2022
(The registration for on-site participation can be closed before the deadline if the number of applicants reaches the limit.)
Organized by the Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Contact: Tomohiko Uyama uyama[at] ([at] read as @)
■ SRC Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time: June 10 (Fri), 2022, 12:00-13:00 (JST, UTC+9) / June 9 (Thu), 2022, 22:00-23:00 (CDT, UTC-5)
Lecturer: Dr. Renee Perelmutter (Univ. of Kansas, USA)
Title: Nonbinary Language Innovations in Russian: Globalization and Identity
Registration: required: June 8 noon)Contact: Motoki NOMACHI mnomachi[at] ([at] read as @)
■SRC/HU School of Humanities and Human Sciences Joint Seminar: Frontiers in Armenian Studies ◆◇◆
Date & Time:June 22 (Wed) 17:00-19:00
Lecturer:Dr. Hrach Martirosyan (Independent Researcher)
Title:The Place of Armenian in the Indo-European Language Family (with a Special Emphasis on Greek, Indo-European, and Balto-Slavic)
Lecturer:Dr. Karen Hamada (Univ. of Tokyo)
Title:Armenian Black Sea: The Local History of the Armenian Communities in the Black Sea Region in "History of Pontos" by Minas Bzhshkean (1777-1851)
Registration: (Pre-registration required. The deadline: June 21 (Tue) PM 12:00)
Contact:Satoshi Toda (jsattoda[at], Motoki Nomachi (mnomachi[at][at] read as @)
Organized by:School of Humanities and Human Sciences at Hokkaido University Slavic-Eurasian Research Center
■SRC Special Seminar "Writers and Proprietors: Land, Copyright, and Authorship in the Russian Empire"
Date & Time: June 29 (Wed.), 2022, 16:30-18:30 (GMT+9)
Format: Hybrid (in-person in Room 403, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University, and online via Zoom)
Edyta Bojanowska (Yale University, USA /SRC), "Was Tolstoy a Colonial Landlord? The Dilemmas of Private Property and Russia's Settler Colonialism on the Bashkir Steppe"
Kirill Zubkov (SRC), "‘Infringing All My Rights, Even Property’: Ivan Goncharov and the Problem of Copyright in the Russian Empire"
Registration: is required for the Seminar: Registration deadline June 29 (Mon.), 2022
Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido UniversityPlatform for Explorations in Survival Strategies(Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
Japanese Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi) (B):
A Comprehensive Study on the Melodramatic Imagination in Russian and Former Soviet Culture
Melting Empire: Modernizing State and Destabilized Society in the Borderlands of Late Imperial Russia
Contact:Yoko Aoshima (yoko.aoshima[at] ([at] read as @)
■SRC Seminar
Date & Time:July 5 (Tue), 2022, 10:00-21:00 (CET, UTC+1)
Lecturer:Dr. Gabriela Múcsková (Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics SAS, Slovakia)
Title:Slovak Dialects Revitalised - In New Functions and in the Folk Linguistics
Registration: Pre-registration required (July 5 noon)
Contact:Dr. Motoki Nomach (mnomachi[at][at] read as @)
Organized by:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan
■SRC Seminar
Date & Time:July 8 (Fri), 2022, 17:05-18:05 (in-person)
Speaker:Prof. Ranko Matasović (University of Zagreb / Hokkaido University)
Title:The Etymology of the Ethnonym *Hrvat* 'Croat'
Contact:Dr. Motoki Nomach (mnomachi[at][at] read as @)
Organized by:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
■SRC Seminar
Date&Time: July 11 (Mon.) at 18:00-19:30 (JST, GMT+9)
Speaker: Greg Yudin (Professor of political philosophy at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences)
Title: Do Russians Support Putin?
Discussnat: Kimitaka Matsuzato (Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo)
Chair: Yaroslav Shulatov (School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University)
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Language: English
Rerun: click the title to see the video. Greg Yudin, "Do Russians Support Putin?"
Organizers: The Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University; Institute for Russian and East European Studies at Waseda University, Japanese Society for the Study of Russian History
SRC Seminar◆◇◆
Date & Time:July 19 (Tue), 2022, 16:50-18:20 (Japan Standard Time)
Speaker:Alyssa DeBlasio (Dickinson College)
Title:“Russian Film of the Putin Era: Politics, Profits, and Patriotism”
Venue:Hybrid style (In person + Online via Zoom meeting)
On-site participation
- Large Conference Room B, 4th floor of Language and Culture Bldg. B, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University
Online participation
- Registration
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (20K12827): Gender Representation in Soviet Culture of the 1920s and 1930s (Kitai Satoko, Principal Investigator)
Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University
Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (SRC, Hokkaido University)
■SRC Seminar:
Date & Time:July 22 (Fri), 2022, 18:00-19:30 (Japan Standard Time)
Speaker:Prof. Edyta Bojanowska (Yale University / SRC)
Title:"Japan through a Russian Imperial Lens: Ivan Goncharov's The Frigate Pallada (1858)"
Venue:Hybrid style (In person + Online via Zoom meeting)
On-site participation
- Collaboration Room 4, 4th Floor, Building 18, Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo
(Please note that the building is not accessible after 19:00)
Online participation
- Registration
Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)Contact:adaisuke[at] ([at] read as @)
■SRC Seminar
Date & Time:July 27 (Wed), 2022, 16:30-18:00 (Japan Standard Time)(Hybrid format)
Speaker:Dr. Tomasz Kamusella (University of St Andrews / SRC)
Title:Where Does Central Europe Terminate in the North and the South?
Venue: Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University, Meeting Room 403
Registration: Pre-registration required: July 26, 2022 (Tue) 12:00.
Contact:Dr. Motoki Nomach (mnomachi[at][at] read as @)
Organized by:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
■SRC Seminar
Date & Time:July 28 (Thu), 2022, 16:30-18:00 (Japan Standard Time)(Hybrid format)
Speaker:Prof. Ranko Matasović (University of Zagreb / SRC)
Title:The Typology of Standard Slavic Languages and the Standardization of Croatian
Venue: Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University, Meeting Room 403
Registration: Pre-registration required: July 27, 2022 (Wed.) 12:00.
Contact:Dr. Motoki Nomach (mnomachi[at][at] read as @)
Organized by:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
■SRC Seminar
Date & Time:August 3 (Wed), 2022, 16:30-18:00 (Japan Standard Time)(Hybrid format)
Lecturer:Dr. Maja Matasović (University of Zagreb)
Title:Croatian Literature in Latin and Its Reception Abroad
Venue: Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University, Meeting Room 403
Registration: Pre-registration required: August 2, 2022 (Tue) 12:00.
Contact:Dr. Motoki Nomach (mnomachi[at][at] read as @)
Organized by:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
■Round-table: "Childhood in Russia: Yesterday and Today. New Approaches to Children's Literature and Culture"
Date & Time:August 5 (Fri), 2022, 16:00-18:00 (Japan Standard Time)
Welcome Address and Introduction:Satoko Kitai (Osaka University)
Moderator:Larissa Rudova (Pomona College, USA)
Round-table participants:
Kirill Zubkov (SRC, Hokkaido University)
Anna Toropova (Oxford University, UK)
Marina Balina (Illinois Wesleyan University, USA)Venue: Hybrid style (In person + Online via Zoom meeting)
On-site participation
- Nambu Yoichiro Hall (2nd floor in Graduate School of Science Bldg. J, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University)
Online participation
- Registration
The Graduate School of Humanities, Osaka University
Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University
Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (SRC, Hokkaido University)
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (19H01243): A Comprehensive Study on the Melodramatic Imagination in Russian and Former Soviet Culture: (Daisuke Adachi, Principal Investigator)
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (20K12827): Gender Representation in Soviet Culture of the 1920s and 1930s (Kitai Satoko, Principal Investigator)Contact:adaisuke[at] ([at] read as @)
■Round-table: "Языки войны в русской культуре XIX - XXI веков: преемственность или конфликт?"
Date & Time: August 8 (Mon.), 2022, 16:00 –18:00 (Japan Standard Time)
Host: Kumi Tateoka, Professor, University of Tokyo
Модераторы: Александр Прохоров, Елена Прохорова, College of William and Mary, USA
Кирилл Зубков, SRC, Hokkaido University
Евгений Добренко, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, Italy
Сергей Ушакин, Princeton University, USA.Venue:Hybrid style (In person + Online via Zoom meeting)
On-site participation
- Room No.1, Faculty of Law and Letters, Bld.2, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo
Online participation
- Registration h
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Tokyo
Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University
Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (SRC, Hokkaido University)
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (19H01243): A Comprehensive Study on the Melodramatic Imagination in Russian and Former Soviet Culture: (Daisuke Adachi, Principal Investigator)Contact:adaisuke[at] ([at] read as @)
マインツ大学名誉教授。専門はロシアとドイツの映画研究。特にエイゼンシュテインの研究に力を入れ、伝記執筆や理論研究のほか草稿『メソッド』4巻の編集(2009年、2016年2版)で知られる。その他、スターリンやエイゼンシュテインについての映画の監督、企画展「モスクワ-ベルリン、ベルリン-モスクワ 1900-1950」映像部門の担当、エイゼンシュテインのドローイングを集めたHPや展示など活動は多岐にわたる。現在、上海理工大学美術・デザイン学院客員教授、ドイツ研究振興協会(DFG)の支援を受けたマインツ・ハノーバー両大学間のチーム研究「映画研究のための自動化された視覚コンテンツ分析」に従事。2023年3月にスラブ・ユーラシア研究センターの招へいにより札幌・京都・東京で講演予定。
■SRC Seminar
Date & Time:August 22 (Mon), 2022, 16:30-18:00 (Japan Standard Time)
Speaker:Проф. Павло Юхимович Гриценко (Інститут української мови НАН України )
Title:Мовна ситуація в Україні: сучасний стан і візії майбутнього
Venue: Zoom Online
language: Ukrainian (no interpreter)
Registration: Pre-registration required: August 19, 2022 (Fri.) 12:00.
Contact:Dr. Motoki Nomach (mnomachi[at][at] read as @)
Organized by:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
■ SRC New Book Presentation: Etimološki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika◆◇◆
Date & Time:Augst 30 (Tue), 2022, 17:00-18:30 (Japan Standard Time)(Hybrid format)
Dr. Ranko Matasović (University of Zagreb / SRC)
Dr. Dubravka Ivšić Majić (Institute for the Croatian Language and Linguistics)
Dr. Tijmen Pronk (Leiden University)
Dr. Nikola Vuletić (University of Zadar)
Dr. Harald Bichlmeier (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)
Title:What does the new Etymological Dictionary of the Croatian Language tell us?
Venue:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University, Meeting Room 403
language: English (no interpreter)
Registration: Pre-registration required: August 29, 2022 (Mon.) 12:00.
Contact:Dr. Motoki Nomach (mnomachi[at][at] read as @)
Organized by:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
■SRC Seminar
Date & Time:8 сентября 2022 (Чт) 10:30~12:00 (по минскому времени)
Speaker:Проф. Борис Юстинович Норман (Минск, Республика Беларусь)
Title:Загадки славянской возвратности
Venue: Zoom Online
language: Russian (no interpreter)
Registration: Для регистрации на лекцию и получения ссылки на зум, обращайтесь к Мотоки Номати по 6-ое сентября (
Contact:Dr. Motoki Nomach (mnomachi[at][at] read as @)
Organized by:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
■"Book Talk" organaized by the Harriman Institute at Columbia University and the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center◆◇◆
Please join the Harriman Institute at Columbia University and the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University, Japan, for a discussion with David Wolff, coeditor of Sugihara Chiune and the Soviet Union: New Documents, New Perspectives. Moderated by Valentina Izmirlieva, Director of the Harriman Institute.
In 1940 with Europe already at war, Japanese diplomat-spy Sugihara Chiune (often called the “Japanese Schindler”) ignored direct orders from Foreign Minister Matsuoka and issued over 2000 Japanese transit visas to Jews stranded in Lithuania after the invasion of Poland. But these visas would have been worthless without Soviet transit visas to cross from Kaunas/Kovno to Vladivostok. Why did Stalin approve this transit, supervised by Molotov, Mikoyan and Beria? How did nearly 4000 Jews travel on 2000 visas? Documents from Soviet and Japanese archives collected, edited and published by Japan’s Slavic-Eurasian Research Center and the Holocaust Research Center in Moscow provide answers to these questions and more. Sugihara remains the only Japanese citizen designated a Righteous among the Gentiles by Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.
Date & Time:September 14, 2022 1:00 am - 2:30 am(JST)
Speaker:David Wolff(Slavic-Eurasian Research Center)
Title:Book Talk. Sugihara Chiune and the Soviet Union: New Documents, New Perspectives by Coeditor David Wolff
Venue: Hybrid style (In person + Online via Zoom meeting)
■SRC Seminar
Date & Time:October 3 (Mon) 11:00-12:30 (EEST)
Speaker:Проф. Лариса Терентіївна Масенко (Інститут української мови НАН України)
Title:Суржик в комунікативному просторі України: між мовою і язиком
Venue: Zoom Online
language: Ukrainian (no interpreter)
Registration: Pre-registration required: September 30 (Fri)
Contact:Dr. Motoki Nomach (mnomachi[at][at] read as @)
Organized by:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Co-organized by:Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
■SRC Special Seminar "Мир кино Центральной Азии: со съемок фильма совместного производства с Японией"
Speakers:Актан Арым Кубат (Кыргызстан), Shinju Sano (Japan), Мурат Нугманов (Казахстан)
Date & Time:October 12 (Wed.), 2022, 17:00-18:30 (JST)
Venue:Hybrid (in-person in Room 403, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University, and online via Zoom)
Registration for online participation: hereLanguage:Russian (no interpreter)
Актан Арым Кубат — известный кинорежиссер, снявший фильмы «Селкинчек», «Бешкемпир», «Свет-аке», «Кентавр» и другие. Синдзю Сано — кинорежиссер и продюсер, занимающий совместным производством фильмов с Казахстаном. Он известен такими фильмами, как «Последние каникулы», «Аксуат» и «Перед грозой». Мурат Нугманов — кинооператор, снявший множество фильмов, в том числе и легендарную «Иглу» с Виктором Цоем в главной роли.
В настоящее время они снимают на Хоккайдо фильм о покойном Масао Миуре, бывшем гражданском интернированном, который провел более 50 лет в Казахстане. На семинаре три кинематографиста расскажут об этом фильме и о кино Центральной Азии.
■SRC Seminar
Date & Time:October 18 (Tue), 9:30-11:00
Speaker:Prof. Tilmann Reuther (University of Klagenfurt, Austria)
Title:On language codes in Ukraine: the case of Suržyk
Venue: Zoom Online
language: English (no interpreter)
Registration: Pre-registration required: October 17, 2022(Mon) 12:00.
Contact:Dr. Motoki Nomach (mnomachi[at][at] read as @)
Organized by:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Co-organized by:Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
■SRC Special Seminar
Date & Time:October 20 (Thu.), 2022 [16:30-18:00]
Venue: SRC Room 401
Lecturer:Prof. Ryan Tucker Jones (University of Oregon)
Title:Red Leviathan: The Secret History of Soviet Whaling
Contact:shin[at] ([at] read as @)
■EES/UBRJ Seminar
Title:EES/UBRJ Seminar for Survival Strategic Research "Ukrainian Refugees and Gender Problems in Poland"
Date & Time:October 25 (Tue.) 16:00-17:30 (JST)
Speaker:Magdalena Grabowska (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Venue: Hybrid (in-person in Room 403, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University, and online via Zoom)
Language: English
16:00-16:05 Opening
16:05-16:25 Ukrainian Refugees and Polish Women's Organizations
16:25-16:35 Comments from Hyunjoo Naomi Chi (Graduate School of Public Policy, Hokkaido University)
16:35-16:45 Reply
16:45-17:05 Gender problems before and after the Regime Transformation in Poland
17:05-17:15 Comments from Mie Nakachi (Hokusei Gakuen University)
17:15-17:25 Reply
17:25-17:30 ClosingAbstract: check
■SRC Seminar
Title:"Стратегии выживания в автобиографическом нарративе о жизни в СССР (рассказы Масао Миура (1946-2002), воспоминания японских военнопленных o жизни в советских лагерях (1945-1956), устные истории о депортации калмыков (1943-1957))"
Date & Time:October 26 (Wed), 2022, 17:00-18:30 (Japan Standard Time)
Speaker:Эльза - Баир Гучинова (доктор истoрических наук, приглашенный научный сотрудник Муниципального университета Кусиро)
Venue: Hybrid style (In person + Online via Zoom meeting) - Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University, Meeting Room 403 - To participate online, please contact the following email address by October 24
Language: Russian
Abstract:Выступление будет основано на материалах травматической памяти о жизни в СССР с середины и во второй половине ХХ в. На основании автобиографических рассказов Масао Миура, рисунков бывших военнопленных Квантунской армии, устных рассказов о депортации в Сибирь калмыков будет обсуждены вопросы стратегий выживания на индивидуальном и групповом уровне. Докладчик показывает, что любой автобиографический нарратив о жизни в тоталитарную эпоху - это имплицитный нарратив о стратегиях выживания. Как вырабатывались эти стратегии и в чем состояли, в чем они были универсальными, а в чем индивидуальными - этому будет посвящен доклад.
Organized by:Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (SRC)
Sponsored by:“Biography as History: Life Stories Told by Ethnic Minorities in USSR” (Kushiro Public University of Economics, Principal Investigator: Yukari Nagayama)
Contact:Daisuke Adachi (adaisuke[at] ([at] read as @)
■SRC Seminar
Date & Time:31 października (pn.) 10:00-11:00
Speaker:Prof. dr hab Dorota Rembiszewska (Instytut Slawistyki PAN)
Title:Próby rewitalizacji gwar mazurskich jako nowa tendencja w podejściu do polskich gwar ludowych
Venue: Zoom Online
language: Polish (no interpreter)
Registration: Termin rejestracji: 28 października (pt.) 10:00 AM.
Contact:Dr. Motoki Nomach (mnomachi[at][at] read as @)
Organized by:Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
Co-organized by:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
■SRC Seminar
Title:“Soviet Film Factory of Gestures, Bodies, and Voices”
Date & Time:Nov 2 (Wed) 18:00 – 19:30 (Japan Standard Time), 10:00 – 11:30 (CET)
Speaker:Oksana Bulgakowa
Venue: Online via Zoom meeting
language: English
Organized by:Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (SRC, Hokkaido University)
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (19H01243): A Comprehensive Study on the Melodramatic Imagination in Russian and Former Soviet Culture (Daisuke Adachi, Principal Investigator)Contact:Daisuke Adachi (adaisuke[at][at] read as @)
マインツ大学名誉教授。専門はロシアとドイツの映画研究。特にエイゼンシュテインの研究に力を入れ、伝記執筆や理論研究のほか草稿『メソッド』4巻の編集(2009年、2016年2版)で知られる。その他、スターリンやエイゼンシュテインについての映画の監督、企画展「モスクワ-ベルリン、ベルリン-モスクワ 1900-1950」映像部門の担当、エイゼンシュテインのドローイングを集めたHPや展示など活動は多岐にわたる。現在、上海理工大学美術・デザイン学院客員教授、ドイツ研究振興協会(DFG)の支援を受けたマインツ・ハノーバー両大学間のチーム研究「映画研究のための自動化された視覚コンテンツ分析」に従事。2023年3月にスラブ・ユーラシア研究センターの招へいにより札幌・京都・東京で講演予定。
■SRC Seminar
Date & Time:November 16, 2022, at 17:00 (JST)
Speaker:Prof. Georges Mink (Chairholder | Director of Research Emeritus at the C.N.R.S. (ISP), College of Europe)
Title:Ukraine-Poland's dreamed neighbour
Venue: Zoom meeting
language: English
Contact: Yoko Aoshima (yoko.aoshima[at][at] read as @)
Organized by:Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
Co-organized by:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
■SRC Seminar
Date & Time:21 ноября (пн) 10:30-12:00
Speaker:Ольга Горицкая
Title:Белорусский и русский языки в современной Беларуси: проблемы взаимодействия
Venue: Zoom Online
language: Russian (no interpreter)
Registration: Срок регистрации: 18 ноября 11:00
Contact:Dr. Motoki Nomach (mnomachi[at][at] read as @)
Organized by:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University
Co-organized by:Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
■SRC Seminar
Date & Time:29 November (Tue.) 18:00–19:30 (Japan Standard Time)
Speaker:David Moon (UCL/SRC)
Title:"East-West Knowledge Transfer in Settler Societies: How the U.S. Great Plains Became the “American Steppes”."
Venue:Hybrid (Room 403 at SRC with Zoom)
Online Registration:here
Abstract:Between the 1870s and 1930s, Euro-American settlers supported by the U.S. government transformed the Great Plains from the domain of Native Americans who lived mostly, but not solely, from hunting animals to vast fields of grain. In displacing the Indigenous peoples and their ways of life, the American settlers and government drew on the prior experience of the Russian and Soviet states in the similar environment of the Eurasian steppes. Since the eighteenth century, Slavic settlers and migrants from central Europe largely displaced the Indigenous nomadic pastoralists and converted their pastures to fields of grain. Knowledge of crop varieties, agricultural sciences, and farming and forestry techniques were all transferred from the Eurasian steppes to North America. This lecture explores how and why this happened.
Reference:David Moon, The American Steppes: The Unexpected Russian Roots of Great Plains Agriculture, 1870s-1930s. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Organizers:Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (SRC, Hokkaido University)
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (21H00555): Interdisciplinary Approach to the "Crisis of the 14th Century."
(PI: Yoichi Isahaya)Contact:Yoichi Isahaya (yoichi.isahaya[at] ([at] read as @)
■SRC Seminar
Date & Time:Nov 30 (Wed) 17:00 – 18:30 (Japan Standard Time)
Speaker:Nariman Skakov (Harvard University / University of Tokyo)
Title:“Soviet Orientalism and the Late Soviet Avant-Garde”
Venue:Hybrid style (In person + Online via Zoom meeting)
- Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University, Meeting Room 403
- To participate online, please register hereLanguage:English and Russian
- Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (SRC, Hokkaido University)
- Comprehensive Research on the Slavic Eurasian Region (former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe): Research Team on the Cultures and Languages of the Slavic Eurasian Region (Daisuke Adachi, Motoki Nomachi, Principal Investigators)Contact:Daisuke Adachi (adaisuke[at] ([at] read as @)
■Round-table: "Rethinking Historiography of the Eastern European Borderlands in the Aftermath of Russia’s War in Ukraine"
Date & Time:December 1 (Thu), 2022, 15:00-17:00 (JST)
Moderator:Yoko Aoshima (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
Round-table participants:
Catherine Gibson, University of Tartu
Anton Kotenko, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
Andrei Cusco, Romanian Academy, Iasi
Venue:Hybrid style (In person + Online via Zoom Webinar)
On-site participation:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University, Meeting Room 403
Online participation:registration: here
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (21H00581)
Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)Contact:
yoko.aoshima[at] ([at] read as @)
■Workshop: Multifaceted Nationalism in the Eastern European Borderlands
Date & Time:December 3, (Sat.) 14:00-17:00 (JST)
Catherine Gibson, University of Tartu
“Geographical Imaginaries in the Baltic: Mapping Empires, Regions, and Nations” (abstract)
Anton Kotenko, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
“The Limits of Self-Representation: Russian Imperial Censorship of Ukrainian Drama, 1881–1917” (abstract)
Andrei Cusco, Romanian Academy, Iasi
“Between Empires? Bessarabia as a Contested Borderland during the ‘Long Nineteenth Century’” (abstract)Venue:Waseda University, Waseda campus, Building 14, Room 501 (in person only)
Organized by: JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (21H00581, 20H01334, 18K01049, 18H00729
Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)Contact: yoko.aoshima* (Please replace * with an @ and send.)
■UBRJ/EES Seminar for Survival Strategic Research◆◇◆
Date & Time:December 19 (Mon.), 16:30-18:00 (JST)
Lecturer:Dr. Paradorn Rangsimaporn
Title:“Central Asia and Southeast Asia. Exploring the Dynamics of Greater Engagement”
Discussants:Tomohiko Uyama (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
Mihoko Kato (Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University)Venue:Online via Zoom Webinar
There is a great deal of research on Central Asian foreign relations but little on how that region relates to Southeast Asia. This seminar explores Central Asian engagement with Southeast Asia through the eyes of a diplomat. It is organized by the Eurasia Unit for Border Research and East Eurasian Studies @ SRC.
Dr. Paradorn Rangsimaporn is currently Minister-Counsellor, Eastern Europe Division, Department of European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. He is also an independent researcher with an interest in Russian foreign policy, particularly towards Asia, and the international relations of Eurasia and Central Asia, as well as a growing interest in intelligence studies. His many publications include Central Asia and Southeast Asia: Exploring the Dynamics of Greater Engagement (Palgrave Macmillan: 2022) Details.
Organized by:Eurasia Unit for Border Research (UBRJ) (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
Co-organized by:Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University); “East Eurasian Studies”, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University (NIHU Global Area Studies Program East Eurasian Studies Projects)
Contact:iwasi* (Please replace*with an @ and send.)
■SRC Seminar
Date & Time:Jan 16 (Mon), 2023, 8:30-10:00 (CET)
Lecturer: Dr. Karolina Skwarska (Institute of Slavonic Studies of the CAS,Czechia)
Title:Сопоставительное изучение валентностей глаголов в славянских языках
Registration:here (Pre-registration required: Jan 14 (Sat) 17:00)
Organizers:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Contact:Motoki NOMACHI mnomachi[at] ([at] read as @)
■International Scientific Research Workshop on “The Comparative Research on Slavic-Eurasian and Asian Multinationals and the Analysis of Structural Changes in the International Division of Labor”
(Project-Based Collaborative Research (Fiscal Year 2022) of the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, Japan)
Venue:Room 403, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
Date & Time:14:00-17:30, 16th February, 2023
14:00-14:10 Opening Remarks: Yumiko Nakahara (Kyushu Sangyo University)
14:10-15:30 Asian session:
Takuma Kobayashi (Matsuyama University): “Overseas Expansion of Chinese Manufacturing Companies: From the Perspective of GVC”
Yumiko Nakahara (Kyushu Sangyo University): “Foreign Direct Investment and Multinationals from Taiwan: Recent Trends and Cases”
15:40-17:00 Slavic-Eurasian session
Victor Gorshkov (University of Niigata Prefecture): “Economic Sanctions and Structural Changes in the Internationalization Strategies of Russian Financial Multinationals”
Agnieszka McCaleb (Warsaw School of Economics) “Strategies of Polish Multinationals in Times of Disruption”
17:10-17:30 Wrap up & closing: Victor Gorshkov (University of Niigata Prefecture)
Contact: shin[at][at] read as @)
■Special seminar◆◇◆
Babyn Yar in Ukraine's Collective Memory
Date & Time:February 19 (Sun), 2023, 16:30-18:00 (Japan Standard Time)
Amelia Glaser (University of California San Diego)
“Mine from ’33, yours from ’41”: Poetic Reinventions in Contemporary Ukraine
Yuliya Ilchuk (Stanford University)
“Document” versus “Context”: Anatoly Kuznetsov and Sergei Loznitsa on the Tragedy of Babyn Yar
Venue: Hybrid style (In person + Online via Zoom meeting)
On-site participation:Room No.1, Faculty of Law and Letters, Bld.2, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo
Registration for Online participation: here
Organized by:Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Tokyo
Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University
Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (SRC, Hokkaido University)
Japanese Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi) (B): A Comprehensive Study on the Melodramatic Imagination in Russian and Former Soviet CultureContact:adaisuke[at] (Daisuke ADACHI) ([at] read as @)
■Special Seminar on Ukrainian Culture◆◇◆
Ukrainian Culture and Art Since the Maidan
Date:February 24, 2023
Time:10:30〜12:30 (GMT+9)
Venue:Soshikan Room 401-402, Ritsumeikan University(Kinugasa Campus), and online via Zoom
Co-sponsored by:Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, "East-Eurasian Studies" National Museum of Ethnology
Supported by:International Institute of Language and Culture Studies, Ritsumeikan University
1.“Reimagining Community: Volodymyr Zelensky and Ukraine's Civic Turn"
Amelia M. Glaser (University of California San Diego):
2.“Ukrainian Hip-Hop and Folk Culture in the war with Russia”
Mitsuharu Akao (National Museum of Ethnology, Japan):
3. "Narrating Refugee Experience during the War in Ukraine"
Yuliya Ilchuk (Stanford University)
Amelia M. Glaser translates primarily from Yiddish, Ukrainian, and Russian. She is Professor of Literature at UC San Diego, where she holds the Chair in Judaic Studies. She is the author of Jews and Ukrainians in Russia’s Literary Borderlands (Northwestern U.P., 2012) and Songs in Dark Times: Yiddish Poetry of Struggle from Scottsboro to Palestine (Harvard UP, 2020). She is the editor of Stories of Khmelnytsky: Literary Legacies of the 1648 Ukrainian Cossack Uprising (Stanford U.P., 2015) and, with Steven Lee, Comintern Aesthetics (U. Toronto Press, 2020). She is currently writing a book about contemporary Ukrainian poetry.
Yuliya Ilchuk is Assistant Professor of Slavic Literature and Culture at Stanford University. She is the author of an award-winning book Nikolai Gogol’s Hybrid Performance (published at University of Toronto Press, 2021) and a translator of contemporary Ukrainian poetry. Ilchuk’s most recent book project, The Vanished: Memory, Temporality, Identity in Post-Euromaidan Ukraine, revisits collective memory and trauma, post-memory, remembrance, memorials, and reconciliation in Ukraine.
Mitsuharu Akao is Assistant Professor of National Museum of Ethnography, Japan. He is the co-author of Jews and Autonomy: The Rise and Fall of Diaspora Community in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia (Iwanami Shoten, Publishers, 2017). He has published articles about Hasidic Pilgrimage to Uman. Among his research interests are contemporary Jewish societies in the former Soviet Union and cross-cultural relationships between Jews and Ukrainians.
Registration:Please fill in the following items, and send e-mail to "e.pithecanthropus*"
(Please replace*with an @ and send.)
1) Name
2) e-mail adress
3) Form of Participation (A. Face-to-Face, or B. Online)
4) Affiliation (Non-Required)
■Special Seminar◆◇◆
Movement as Spatialized Thought: Biomechanics and Ecological Cognition in Early Soviet Culture
Date & Time:February 24 (Fri), 2023, 13:30-15:00 (Japan Standard Time)
Lecturer:Ana Hedberg Olenina (Arizona State University)
Venue:Hybrid style (In person + Online via Zoom meeting)
On-site participation:Collaboration Room 4, 4th Floor, Building 18, Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo
Registration for Online participation:here
Organized by:Japanese Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi) (B): Refabrication in Art
Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University
Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (SRC, Hokkaido University)
Japanese Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi) (B): A Comprehensive
Study on the Melodramatic Imagination in Russian and Former Soviet CultureContact:adaisuke[at] (Daisuke ADACHI) ([at] read as @)
■ Workshop “Some Aspects of Melodramatic Adaptation in Russian and Japanese Cultural Encounters”◆◇◆
Keynote Lecturer:Oksana Bulgakowa (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz)
“Melodramatic Things and Bodies of Memory in the Soviet Japanese Stories about Individual Loss and Collective Traumas”Speaker:Daisuke Adachi (SRC, Hokkaido University)
“The First Japanese Translation of Tolstoy's The Kreutzer Sonata: From the History of Melodramatizing Adaptation of Russian Classical Text in Modernizing Japan”
Date & Time:March 17 (Fri), 2023, 16:00-18:30 (JST)
Venue: Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University, Meeting Room 403
Online participation is also possible. Please register at and Russian
Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University
Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies (SRC, Hokkaido University)
Japanese Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi) (B): A Comprehensive Study on the Melodramatic Imagination in Russian and Former Soviet Culture (Principal Investigator: Daisuke Adachi)Contact:adaisuke[at][at] read as @)
■Seminar on Authoritarianism and Populism
Date & Time:March 20 (Mon.), 2023, 13:00-14:30
Speaker:Lee Morgenbesser (Griffith University, Australia)
Title:The Rise of Imitation Election Observers
Venue: Room 909, Building 3, Waseda Campus, Waseda University (in-person only)
Organizers: JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 18H03619 (Comparative Study of the Rise of Authoritarianism and Populism) at the SRC; Waseda Institute of Political Economy
Contact:Masaaki Higashijima masaaki.higashijima.d8[at] ([at] read as @)