Annual Newsletter of the Slavic Research Center,
Hokkaido University |
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, December 2001 |
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Petr Pavlinek |
Juha Janhunen |
Nikolai Bolkhovitinov |
Xing Guangcheng |
Foreign Visiting Fellowship Program
The SRC has invited three noted scholars, Nikolai Bolkhovitinov
(Institute of General History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow);
Xing Guangcheng (Institute of East European, Russian & Central
Asian Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing); and Petr
Pavlinek (Department of Geography & Geology, University of Nebraska
at Omaha) as foreign visiting fellows for 2001-2002. These three
scholars will stay in Sapporo until the end of March 2002.
Dr. Nikolai Bolkhovitinov is a leading scholar on the history of Russian America. He serves as Director of the Center of North American Studies within the Institute of General History. From 1997 to 1999, he published the three-volume History of Russian America, 1732-1867 (in Russian), regarded as the most comprehensive compilation of studies made so far on this topic. At the SRC's summer symposium, he presented the paper "Russian Colonization in Alaska."
Dr. Xing Guangcheng is Deputy Director of the Institute of East European, Russian & Central Asian Studies, with which the SRC has maintained cooperative academic relations for more than fifteen years. Dr. Xing is a specialist in the field of domestic politics and foreign policy of the Soviet Union and the CIS. In 1998 he published the five-volume Decision-making Process at the Top Leadership of the USSR over the Past Seventy Years (in Chinese), which achieved considerable reputation both among academic circles and within the political leadership of China. For the SRC's winter symposium, he is preparing a paper "Security Problems and Shanghai Cooperation Organization."
Dr. Petr Pavlinek is a geographer, specializing in economic, political and environmental geography of Central & Eastern Europe. He is originally from Czechoslovakia. He has written two books in the US, including Economic Restructuring and Local Environmental Management in the Czech Republic (1997). His research project at the SRC will focus on car industry restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe.
In addition, the SRC accepted three COE (Center of Excellence) visiting fellows, Juha Janhunen (Institute of Asian and African Studies, University of Helsinki); Levon Abrahamian (Institute of Archeology & Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia); and Stefan Hedlund (Department of East European Studies, University of Uppsala).
Dr. Juha Janhunen is a well-known specialist on native peoples and languages of Russia, Siberia and Manchuria. His research project at the SRC was on bear cult and female shamanism in Siberia and Manchuria. He stayed in Sapporo from June through mid-October.
Dr. Levon Abrahamian specializes in ethnology of the Caucasus and political anthropology of the former USSR and newly independent states. At the SRC he will study national movements in the former Soviet Union in ethnological perspective. He will stay in Sapporo for three months from the end of November.
Dr. Stefan Hedlund is a noted specialist in Soviet and Russian economy. He has written six books, including Russia's "Market" Economy: A Bad Case of Predatory Capitalism (1999). He will stay in Sapporo also for three months from the end of November.
Three scholars have been selected as foreign visiting fellows for 2002-2003: Sarah Paine (Strategy and Policy Department, US Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island); Vladimir Buldakov (Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow); and Panayot Karagyozov (Department of Slavic Literatures, Charles University, Prague). These three scholars will stay in Sapporo from June/July 2002 through February/March 2003.
Dr. Sarah Paine is an historian, specializing in Russian diplomatic history. Her book Imperial Rivals: China, Russia and Their Disputed Frontier, 1858-1924 (1996) won the 1997 Barbara Jelavich prize from the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS). Her research project at the SRC will focus on the Japanese-Soviet rivalry for influence in China in 1932-1945. Her spouse, Bruce Elleman, a specialist in Sino-Soviet diplomatic relations, is expected to accompany her.
Dr. Vladimir Buldakov is a well-known Russian historian. In 1997 he published his famous book Красная смута: Природа и последствия революционного насилия. The title of his research project at the SRC will be "Social crises and mass psychology in Russia: Comparative study on 1904-1921 and 1985-2000 periods."
Dr. Panayot Karagyozov specializes in Slavic philology and comparative Slavic literatures. He is a Bulgarian, but he is now giving a lecture at Charles University in Prague. He is fluent in Bulgarian, Polish, Russian, Czech and Slovak. At the SRC he will make a comparative study on Slavic literatures in the 20th century.
The SRC invites applications for the Foreign Visiting Fellowship Program from Slavic studies specialists in the fields of literature, history, international relations, economics, political sciences, sociology, geography and ethnology, tenable for nine to ten months between June 2003 and March 2004.
The SRC will provide one round-trip air ticket, a living allowance, inexpensive accommodation in the University's Foreign Scholars' Residence, a domestic travel allowance and an office at the SRC with the use of a personal computer. The visiting scholar is obliged to spend from nine to ten months at the SRC, but is free to engage in a limited amount of travel for professional purposes in Japan. Although there are no teaching duties, the visiting scholar is expected to be available for talks and consultation with the members of the staff and graduate students. The SRC expects fellows to give at least two formal presentations or lectures on topics of their choice as well as occasional seminars. The SRC further expects the fellows to write an article during their stay in Sapporo for publication in the SRC's journal Acta Slavica Iaponica, on a subject of their choice within the broad confines of Slavic, Russian, and East European studies.
Application forms are available from the SRC or from its web site. Applications will be accepted until March 31, 2002. Preference will be given to those who have either a firm academic position or a Ph.D. degree (or its equivalent). Applicants will be informed of selection results by mid-July, 2002.
By S.Tabata