Annual Newsletter of the Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
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No.17, January 2010
First Year in Retrospective and the Beginning of a "New" Slavic Research Center
Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia" I s Ongoing The First East Asian Conference for Slavic Eurasian Studies (February 5–6, 2009): How It Was Organized
The Slavic Research Center Held the International Symposium, "The South Ossetian Conflict and Trans-border Politics in the Black Sea Rim" on March 5–6, 2009
The SRC SRC International Symposium
"The Elusive Balance: Regional Powers and the Search for Sustainable Development" Was Held on July 9–10, 2009

Joint Forum Series in Washington D.C.
International Symposium on "Environmental Conservation of the Sea of Okhotsk: Cooperation between Japan, China, and Russia"
Foreign Visitors Fellowship Program
Our Current Staff
Ongoing Cooperative Research Projects
Visitors from Abroad
Guest Lectures from Abroad
Publications (2008-09)
The Library
Website Access Statistics
Essays by Foreign Fellows
Andrew Gentes
Dariusz Kołodziejczyk
Marina Mongush

Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Comparative Research on Major Regional Powers in Eurasia" Is Ongoing

This five-year project was adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science in November 2008. This year,its first international symposium was held in July in Sapporo. This project has six research groups and each group hosted various types of seminars and workshops. For example, a joint symposium "The U.S.-Japan Alliance: Beyond Northeast Asia" was held in May 2009 at the Brookings Institution, Washington D.C., to discuss current issues in international relations including Russia, China, and India.

In addition, some groups organized a joint research investigation. For example, the cultural studies group, including experts on Chinese and Indian studies, went on a joint research investigation to the Volga River in Russia in September 2009 to deepen their understanding of the culture of the Volga Basin.

Its second international symposium "Comparing the Politics of the Eurasian Regional Powers: China, Russia, India, and Turkey" will be held on December 12–13, 2009 at Hosei University, Tokyo.

TABATA Shinichiro