Annual Newsletter of the Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
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English News  No.5 , December 1997
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From the Director
Foreign Visiting Fellows
Our Current Staff
Exchange Programs with Overseas Institutions
Guest Lectures from Abroad
Visitors from Abroad
The Library
A day under the colorfol autumn trees in Takino Park ,Sapporo.
Essays by Foreign Fellows
Mordechai Altshuler
Boris N. Mironov
Volodymr A. Potulnytskyj
Vilmos Agoston
Oleg T. Bogomolov
Alfred F. Majewicz

From the Director

At the end of next March, the SRC will complete a comprehensive research project "Changes in the Slavic-Eurasian World: Conditions for Existence and Coexistence," conducted with a generous "Priority Research Project" grant from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture. Since April 1995, when the project started, more than a hundred scholars, including many foreign scholars, have participated in Symposia, seminars, and workshops and so far more than fifty volumes of Annual Reports, Occasional Papers, and Proceedings of Symposia have been published in Japanese, English and Russian.

Although it is too early to tell whether the project will achieve concrete results, I have confidence that it will be a success. As the director of the SRC, I would like to thank everyone especially foreign scholars who have contributed to the project.

Tadayuki Hayashi

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