Annual Newsletter of the Slavic Research Center,
Hokkaido University |
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, December 1997 |
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Altshuler |
Boris N. Mironov |
Volodymr A. Potulnytskyj |
Agoston |
Oleg T.
Bogomolov |
Alfred F. Majewicz |
I.T. Berend, Transformation and Structural Change; T. Shinohara, Central European Discourses from the Historical Perspective; L. Csaba, Enlargement of the EU; A. Uegaki, Is Russia Getting into the International Financial Market?; I. Samson, Enlargement of NATO Eastwards and Slovak Security; J. Sedivy, Czech-NATO Relations; V. Zhurkin, Russia and the Enlargement of NATO; Y. Iwama, Western Europe and the Future of NATO; A. Rudka, Central Europe: Regional Cooperation and Beyond; Y. Hirose, Austria's Foreign Policy after the Cold War; P. Joenniemi, Ways of Managing Border Disputes in Present-Day Europe; S. Nagayo, Slovakia and Hungary: The Most Complicated Bilateral Relationship in Central Europe; W. Morawski, Society as an Economic Actor: The Three Patterns of Institutionalization; T. Sato, Possibilities for and Limitations to a "Mixed Ecomomy" in Post-Socialist Transformation.
N. Simonia, The Lessons of the Chinese and South-Korean Reforms for Russia; E. Anisimov, Istoricheskie korni imperskogo myshleniia v Rossii; S. Arutiunov, Ethnicity and Conflict in the Caucasus; S. Kitagawa, The Role of Historiography in the Abkhazo-Georgian Conflict; A. Iwashita, Russo-Chinese Relations in the Post-Cold War Period; N. Mikheeva, Foreign Trade of The Russian Far East with The PeopleÕs Republic of China; K. Burns, International Cooperation at the Local Level; J. Kaja, Management Culture and Executive Attitudes Before and After the Economic Reform in Poland; A. Ishikawa, The Pattern of EmployeesÕ Attitudes towards Their Working Life in Post-Socialist Russia; S. Kotkin, Defining Territories and Empires; A. Kujala, The Russian Government and the Finnish Question, 1905-1917; Contributions in Japanese: K. Sarkisov, T. Ito, K. Hitachi, M. Hirooka, T. Morishita, S. Tokoro, T. Sonoda, M. Sato, T. Kuwano, M. Numano, H. Kaizawa, M. Suzuki, M. Yoshii, I. Iwasaki and S. Tabata.
L. Engelstein, Self-Castrators in the Civic Discourse of Late Tsarist Russia; Y. Tsuchiya, Notes on Working-Class Culture in Late Imperial Russia; B. Kolonitskii, The "Russian Idea" and the Ideology of the February Revolution; O. Subtelny, The Habsburg and Russian Empires; Gyorgy Kover, Market Integration, Economic Intervention of the State and the Decline of Empires; P. Zyrianov, The Development of the Russian State System in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries; Y. Takenaka, Land-Owning Nobles and Zemstvo Institutions; T. Tomita, Stalin, Politburo, and Its Commissions in the Soviet Decision-making Process in the 1930s; J. Haslam, The Making of Foreign Policy under Stalin; K. Matsuzato, The Concept of "Space" in Russian History.Slavic Studies, No. 44, 1997. Journal of the SRC, Hokkaido University. 207 pp. In Japanese.