Annual Newsletter of the Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
SRC Home
English News  No.3 , December 1995
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SRC is Celebrating Its 40th Anniversary
Progress of the "Priority Research Project"
SRC Chosen as "Center of Excellence"
Current research staff of SRC
Foreign Visiting Fellows for 1995-1996
Foreign Visiting Fellows for 1996-1997
Research Grants offered by the Japanese Government
Exchange Programs with Overseas Institutions
Guest Lectures
Visitors from Abroad
Essays by Foreign Fellows
SRC Library News


*SRC publications (except Acta Slavica laponica and Slavic Studies ) can be obtained free of charge by writing to Ms. Mika Nohara at SRC. Suravu no sekai [The Slavic World] series can be obtained by writing to the Kobundo publishers, 1-7, Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101. asutiste valitseda olevate

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