Annual Newsletter of the Slavic Research Center,
Hokkaido University |
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, December 1995 |
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Three scholars have been selected as foreign visiting fellows for 1996-1997:
Evgenii V. Anisimov (Institute of Russian History, St. Petersburg, Russian Academy of Sciences);
Steven Kotkin (Princeton University);
Nodari A. Simonia (Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow).Dr.Evgenii ANISIMOV is a historian on Russian history of the 18th-19th centuries, whose works are even known to a taxi driver in a Russian provincial town. He was a research fellow at the Kennan Institute (1990-91) and Harvard University (1993). Dr. Anisimov published among others Rossiia bez Petra. 1725-1740 gg. [Russia without Peter the Great. 1725-1740] (SPb., 1994) and The Reforms of Peter the Great. Progress through Coercion in Russia (Armonk-New York-London, 1993). At the SRC, he plans to achieve his research on secret police and the Russian society in the 18th-19th centuries.
Professor Steven KOTKIN, a historian, studied the problems of Soviet workers, especially in Siberia, in his books, Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as a Civilization (Berkeley, 1995) and Steeltown, USSR: Soviet Society in the Gorbachev Era (Berkeley, . He has recently been promoted to associate professor and director of Russian studies at Princeton. At SRC, Professor Kotkin plans to accomplish his research project, "Siberia in the 20th century" and, following in the steps of George Lensen, begin a new study on "Russo-Japanese interaction in the 20th century."
Dr. Nodari SIMONIA is a prominent Russian specialist on the Third World, particularly Asia as well as a commentator on the domestic politics of the Soviet Union and its successor states. He is vice-director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) in Moscow. At SRC, Dr. Simonia plans to work on problems of bureaucratic capitalism and the prospects of democratization in Russia in 1991-1994.