Annual Newsletter of the Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
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English News  No.3 , December 1995
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SRC Library News

SRC Library News
  1. Eesti Vabariigi Riigikogu protokollid [The Congressional Proceedings of the Republic of Estonia] Tallinn.

    This seventy-eight volume set contains the proceedings of the Estonian Congress during the interwar period. They cover the proceedings of the National Council from 1917 to 1919 (Maan孛kogu protokollid. 1. Koosolekust 1. juulil 1917-78. Koosolekuni 6. veebruaril 1919), the proceedings of the Constituent Assembly at which the constitution was procleimed (the first session to the fifth session, 1919-1920)(Asutawa Kogu protokollid, 1919-1920), and the proceedings from the first State Assembly to the fifth State Assembly, 1921-1934 (I Riigikogu protokollid , V Riigikogu protokollid, 1921-1934).
    Included with the proceedings are supplementary laws and annual budgets from 1925 to 1934/35 (Eesti vabariigi kulude ja tulude eelarve 1925-1934/35. aastaks), the budgetary records concerning government enterprises and national industries, 1929-1931/32 (Riigi ettevotete ja riigi asutiste valitseda olevate eriotstarbeliste kapitalide 1929-1931/32. a. eelarved), the budgetary records concerning banks, government enterprises, and national industries, 1931/32-1934/35 (Eripohikirjade ja maaruste alusel teotsevate pankade ning kaitiste ja uksikute riigiasutiste valitseda olevate eriotstarbeliste kapitalide 1931/32-1934/35. a. erieelarved), the budgetary records concerning land reform, 1930/31 (Asunduskapitali 1930/31. a. eelarve), and the basic customs laws (Tollipohitariifiede seadus).
    The Congressional proceedings contain materials fundamental for the study of the politics and history of Estonia before World War II.

  2. The remainder of the 200 microfilm reels of the Boris Nicolaevsky Collection, about half of which was obtained in 1994, has been received. As a result, the library now has the entire Boris Nicolaevsky Collection on microfilm. A useful guidebook for this collection has been published under the title: Guide to the Boris I. Nicolaevsky Collection in the Hoover Institution Archives. 1989. (Hoover Press bibliography, 74).

From the Editors
We are greatly indebted to Professor Vojtech Mastny for the elaboration of this third issue of Slavic Research Center News in English.

Takashi Murakami and Mika Osuga

Slavic Research Center

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